天气预报7天 发表于 2024-12-5 10:20 只看TA 1楼 |
Could you get arrested for posting NSFW contents online? I heard a lot of news about people getting arrested by the police for posting NSFW novels on online |
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randomtanki 发表于 2024-12-22 17:49 只看TA 2楼 |
Not in most cases In China, it is technically illegal as the crime of "dissemenating obscene articles" (传播淫秽物品罪) which technically is a blanket ban, but as far as I'm aware, it seems to be sparsey enforced (like VPNs enforcement)In the US, pornography by itself is legal, though sometimes with the caveat that you need to be of age (18+) However, there are factors that if you violate them, may make it illegal. pornography that involves sexual exploitation of minors (任何利用儿童的)is illegal under child pornography laws pornography that depicts real people and causes serious damage to their public image may be considered libel (诽谤) pornography that encourages other illegal act (like terrorism) may get you in trouble for the terrorism stuff and pornography that plagirases (抄袭)may be open to copyright lawsuits https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4 ... 81%E7%BD%AA/8589858 for chinese law. If you are in trouble with the law I recommend consulting with a lawyer, I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice |
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