kensky 发表于 2012-7-10 09:28 只看TA 1楼 |
[转帖] 水晶咕噜肉的做法[4P] ![]() ![]() 我的做法: 首先,选用上好的里脊肉,因为我不喜欢吃肥肉,切成块,用淀粉,鸡蛋清腌好。 青椒,菠萝切细丝围盘边。 番茄酱,白醋,糖,料酒,盐调成甜酸汁。 将腌好的肉块裹上面粉,入热油锅炸至微黄,捞出备用。 锅内留少许油,重新放入炸好的肉块和甜酸汁,炒均,备用。 锅内注入一小碗水,倒入大量的白糖,一定是大量的,大火煮开,转小火熬成糖浆,熬成黄色,像蜂蜜一样黏稠就可以了。然后,既继小火温着。 将肉块小心地一块一块的粘上糖浆,然后马上丢进冰块中,由于外层糖浆受冷,马上结成透明的糖衣,即成”水晶”了。 最后都变成”水晶”后,与青椒丝和菠萝丝一起装盘即可了。 此菜做法不同于一般的咕噜肉,手法精细,菠萝和青椒只用于装饰,由于外层裹了糖衣,所以,在调酸甜汁的时候不必放入太多的糖。所以,咕噜肉吃起来外甜内酸,壳冷心热,但,我没有做出汁水在肉和糖壳之间流动的样子。还望各高手指教! ![]() ![]() [ 本帖最后由 kensky 于 2012-7-10 09:36 编辑 ] |
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xiaobai38 发表于 2012-7-11 07:28 只看TA 9楼 |
First of all, a good selection of tenderloin, because I don't like to eat fat meat, cut into pieces, marinate with starch, egg. Green pepper, pineapple cut filaments rolling edge. Tomato sauce, vinegar, sugar, cooking wine, salt, tune into a sweet and sour sauce. Marinated meat wrapped in flour, into the hot pan fried to yellowish, drain and set aside. The pot to stay a little oil, back into the fried meat and sweet and sour sauce, stir well, standby. A small bowl of water poured into the pot injection, large amounts of sugar, is a large, fire to boil, turn a small fire boil boiled syrup, yellow, thick like honey on it. Then, both the small fire temperature. The meat carefully a piece of sticky syrup, then immediately thrown into the ice, since the outer layer of syrup by cold, immediately formed a transparent glaze, namely" crystal". Finally into" crystal", and bell pepper and pineapple wires can transfer to a plate. This dish approach is different from the general meat grunt, manual fine, pineapple and bell pepper is used only for decoration, as the outer layer wrapped sugar, so, in sweet and sour sauce without putting too much sugar. Therefore, Gollum meat tastes sweet acid, shell cold heart is hot, but, I didn't make the juice in meat and sugar shell between flow. Also hope the master to advise! |
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