CHIU掌柜 发表于 2012-4-9 22:02   只看TA 1楼
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[视频] 烟色中的华丽背影 Lisa Hannigan

Lisa Hannigan,才华横溢的爱尔兰女歌手。她的歌曲和歌声就有如她的外貌般,美丽,亲切,同时带着独特的优雅气质。这个曾经在damien rice身后安静歌唱的女声,即使是damien rice也掩盖不了她的光芒。 “当这个爱尔兰女孩顺着大提琴开唱,或是干净纯美的高音,或是神经质般的颤音。的确美的令人心醉。这个声音听了让人非常舒服。不是很甜,甚至有一点点的沙哑,但一点都不沉闷。让我想到了Regina Spektor,但是却阳光很多,多了些Folk。


He went to see for a day
He wanted to know what to say
when he asked what he'd done
in the past to someone
that he loved endlessly...
now she's gone, and so is he...

i went to war every morning
i lost my way, but now I'm following
what you said in my arms...
what i read in the charms
that i loved durably
now it's dead and gone, and i am free...

i went to sleep for the daytime
i shut my eyes to the sunshine
turned my head away from the noise
bruise and drip decay of childish toys
that i love arguably
all our labouring gone to seed

we went out to play for the evening
and wanted to hold on to the feeling
and the stretch in the sun
and the breathlessness as we run
to the beach endlessly
as the sun creeps up on the sea...


[ 本帖最后由 LHGWCNMSS 于 2012-4-9 22:10 编辑 ]
  • mojie1987 金币 +8 不管你是否接受 红包敬上! 2012-4-28 16:21
风月无双 发表于 2012-4-28 09:01   只看TA 2楼
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